Friday, January 31, 2014

Mobile Apps to Help You Make Good Habits -- Or Break Bad Ones


It's that time of year when we all make a commitment to break a bad habit or develop a good one. First week of January, it's all smooth sailing but by the end of the month, not so much. It's not you. Habits can be difficult to make and break, especially when you're trying to make a change on your own.

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Have Americans Learned Their Lesson With Credit Cards?


The Great Recession drastically impacted personal finances of many households. During the credit meltdown, family budgets were reduced and deleveraging became a top priority. The recession technically ended in the summer of 2009, but Americans are still showing some financial restraint as they continue to slow their addiction to credit cards

Monday, January 6, 2014

Google’s March to the Reviews Sea: What’s the Next Stop?
Google has handled “Plus” reviews very differently in 2013 from how it handled them in 2012.  The powers-that-be at Google now seem to want customers to leave reviews, and for business owners to ask customers for reviews